
La Biome Blog

3 hidden causes of leaky gut and how to fix it

Leaky gut, aka increased intestinal permeability, is one of my favourite topics. There’s ample scientific resarch on this phenomena and it’s great to see it getting the attention it deserves so people can regain control of their health. BUT despite all the evidence for the role of leaky gut in a host of conditions including […]

test bacterial vaginosis

3 stress free ways to test bacterial vaginosis

You want to test bacterial vaginosis without actually testing for bacterial vaginosis.  I get it, sometimes you just don’t want to haul yourself to the doctor, let alone for something as private as your vaginal health.  Besides you know what to expect by now, another round of oral or topical antibiotics/antifungals. They work for a […]

pomegranate is good for

7 surprising reasons why pomegranate is the secret to a happy gut microbiome.

Pomegranate is good for your gut microbiome and has powerful health benefits for the whole body. Remarkably, it seems early civilisations were also clued in on this super fruit! A quick history of pomegranate Pomegranate’s cultivation traces back to around 3,000 BC in Iran, where it was highly revered. For example, in Persian mythology and […]

parasite cleansing

Should I do parasite cleansing?

Is parasite cleansing right for you? In my 6 years of helping people with their gut health and analysing the gut microbiome, I have come across many people asking for help after parasite cleansing. Understanding the larger context of the gut microbiome has made this much clear: Parasites are not the route of all evil.  […]

vitamin k and gut bacteria

Vitamin K and Gut Bacteria

Vitamin K is an essential nutrient for blood clotting, bone health, and heart health. Gut bacteria may play an important role in maintaining vitamin K stores in the body. The study highlights that the gut microbiota can transform vitamin K1 into vitamin K2, which is the biologically active form of vitamin K. The journal: Gut […]

endometriosis microbiome

Endometriosis and the microbiome

Endometriosis affects 1 in 9 Australian women.  Management options range from over the counter pain medications, hormonal contraceptive pills or intra-uterine devices (IUD) to laparospic surgery or hysterectomy. Is it possible that the microbiome could hold some answers for women with endometriosis? The journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences The paper: Intricate Connections between the […]

fish oil good for gut microbiome

Is fish oil good for the gut microbiome?

Is fish oil good for the gut microbiome? Evidence suggests that increasing your intake of omega-3 fatty acids, like those in fish oil, is good for promoting gut health and reducing inflammation in the gut.  This paper reviewed several clinical trials that investigated the effects of omega 3 essential fatty acids on the gut microbiome […]

gut microbiome and personality

Your personality may be related to your gut microbiome

Gut microbiome and personality. Just when you thought there couldn’t possibly be anything else that relates to the human gut microbiome. New evidence suggests that even our personality traits may be shaped by our gut bugs! This study aimed to explore the potential relationship between gut microbiome composition and diversity and human personality traits. Accordingly, […]

coffee gut microbiome

Coffee and the gut microbiome

A polarising topic.  Is coffee good for you? What answer does the gut microbiome have for this age old question? Let’s look at some peer reviewed evidence. The journal: Nutrients The paper: Long-Term Coffee Consumption is Associated with Fecal Microbial Composition in Humans (May 2020). The authors:  Sonia González, Nuria Salazar, Sergio Ruiz-Saavedra, María Gómez-Martín, […]

constantly gassy

Why am I constantly gassy?

Constantly gassy? Is being constantly gassy is a problem you need to address, or just a healthy biproduct of good gut bacteria doing their thing? The frustrating answer is both, but there are definetely ways you can assess it with more nuance.  Gas-producing bacteria in the gut are a normal and natural part of the […]

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